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Month: September 2019 (Page 2 of 2)

Revision of Grades Essay

After having my peers read and comment on my essay and reviewing their comments I was able to make some global and local revisions. The most important revision I made was a global one, more specifically the change was to my thesis. At first it wasn’t really clear where my thesis was and what exactly my stance was on grades, but after revising it I made it very clear that my position is that grades are flawed but necessary. As for local revisions, I change the entire closing sentence for the third paragraph as one of my peers pointed out that it was all over the place and hard to follow.

Peer Review Reflection 1

When peer reviewing I tend to focus on the global, big ideas rather than the local, sentence level and grammatical errors. I believe that getting the main idea of a paper organized and coherent is far more important than the easily fixable and detectable grammatical errors. I try and focus on the thesis of their paper and supporting arguments to make sure that they aren’t contradicting their own main idea and to make sure that it makes sense.

The comments I received on my paper were very helpful, after reading their responses I became well aware that my thesis statement needed to be clearer, I needed to definitively pick a side and I needed to support it more clearly. I noticed that my peers who commented on my paper had a similar process to myself, commenting on global, big ideas rather than the small stuff.

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