After listening to the various podcasts about social media, technology and data collection I have to say I’m a bit concerned. The situation described in china is very reminiscent of the book 1984, a dystopian about what our lives would be like under an oppressive communist leader. In the novel, citizens are surveyed constantly throughout the day and they are even assigned a social status which is exactly what china does with their social “credit score”. Overall listening to these podcasts really got me thinking about my online privacy and how much of what I do is tracked and used to target ads at me. The example that the TED talk gave about a pregnant 15 year old girl being discovered as pregnant by target before her parents based on her shopping habits really surprised me. I had no idea that these companies had the power to do this, I know in my life there have been times where I felt I was being surveyed and recommended things to buy based off of my interests or frequented online sites but never to the degree that this girl faced. Internet users need to be more aware of how their data is being used and learn ways of controlling it because our data should be our own.
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