Throughout this semester I have learned many useful skills in terms of active reading and writing. These skills have proven to be very useful in English class, but there usefulness does not end there. In my Marine 105 class I had to read an entire peer reviewed article, pick out the key points and create a short summary explaining to my class the the main idea and overall importance of the article. Attacking this project without some of the active reading skills I have gained this semester would have been very daunting, however I was able to break the article up into manageable chunks using the chunking method. Using this method really eased my stress as I was able to read the article in more digestible pieces and plan out on what days I would read what parts so that I wasn’t doing all of it the night or two before the due date. This method proved to be very effective as the article was already split into sections (abstract, intro, data, etc.) so figuring out how to chunk the article was easy. Overall I think that this active reading strategy definitively helped me more effectively summarize my article, relieved some of my anxiety and improve my grade on the project.